Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

A big Happy Father's Day from across the pond to the world's greatest dad! Ten reasons why you are the greatest:

10. You set high standards for Alana, Madison and I; standards that we will always live by.
9. You always make sure any children, whether they are your own or not, have everything they need.
8. You were always the dad at every field trip, school function, sporting event and practice. The world's greatest coach award goes to you as well.
7. You always apologize even when something isn't your fault.
6. You always put your family's needs above your own. I hope that we can provide like you have for our family.
5. You made sure to constantly be the best parent you could be and it shows in how great of a parent Alana is.
4. You are always there to help anyone through hard times however you could and would drop anything to do it.
3. You taught Alana, Madison, and I to be good, honest people and how to love unconditionally.
2. You are my best friend.
1. You love your children more than you could possibly love anyone else.

I love you dad. Thanks for simply being you.


  1. What a sweet and fitting tribute to your dad!

  2. Thank you darling, You Madison and Alana make it very easy to be a dad, I am blessed with the best children anyone coulsd ask for!
    Love Ya,
    Miss Ya,
